As we begin the New Year, the Indigenous Miskitu Circle Corp is excited to start strong by exhibiting the developments and changes to come along the way for improving the livelihoods of Indigenous communities on the Miskitu Coast of Nicaragua. Our main highlights at the World Indigenous Forum will be an emphasis on education for our Indigenous communities, environmental sustainability, community healthcare, as well as social support, and community wellbeing.
Without the support of our donors, supporters, and readers we would not be able to enable these programs to enact change for our peoples and we seek to provide a voice for those unable to fight against disadvantages presented to our peoples in a current blisteringly industrialized fast-paced society. Most essential to us at the organization is the emphasis on continual persistence and support for our ancestral ties to family and at its core our human compassion for ourselves in harmony with nature- tasba in Miskito, Nuestra Madre Tierra, and tlalli in Nahuatl.
With much room for growth and expansion, our organization seeks input from the community as well to connect and broaden our networks to reach our goals while maintaining these core strengths and foundational pillars. We encourage everyone to take a visit to our virtual booth at the World Indigenous Forum easily accessible through Eventbrite which will last from Wednesday, January 13 at 08:00 GMT to Thursday, January 14 at 22:00 GMT. For any comments or questions, feel free to contact us via email.
"Upla sut ba kulkanka lakara, airaitka nanira bara pri, sin, aikuki, baku takisa. Bamna sins laka bri baku, lukanka bain pri baku aimuihni lakara, pana pana tabaikan kaiasa."
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)